Meet Our Instructors

Nicole Mooney Sensei

Chief Instructor, Dojo-Cho Yandan

Nicole Mooney Sensei began her Aikido training in 2000 while attending the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. In 2009, as part of a collaborative endeavor to open a dojo, Mooney Sensei facilitated the start of a student Aikido club at the West Bend High School where she teaches. She served as both the senior senpai and as an instructor during that time.

Shortly after the Milwaukee Shobukan opened its doors in 2017, Mooney Sensei tested and received her promotion to Sandan (third degree black belt) from Wendy Whited Sensei. Combining her years of experience and unwavering commitment to the Milwaukee Shobukan she assumed the title of Chief Instructor.  Mooney Sensei currently serves as the Dojo Cho.  She enjoys the family atmosphere of the dojo, and connecting Aikido to everyday life.  Mooney Sensei holds a Master’s degree in Education, and was promoted to Yondan (4th degree black belt) at the beginning of 2023. She is currently exploring how to train Aikido practitioners to be Aikido instructors.”

John Gralton Sensei


John Gralton – “John Gralton Sensei gained an interest in martial concepts at the age of eleven as a wrestler. He wrestled from 1989 through 1994. His martial arts training began in 1993 when he started the study of Kenpo Karate. Gralton Sensei was working on his brown belt certification in Kenpo when he moved to Minneapolis to begin work on his bachelor degree at the University of Minnesota in 1997.
It was at the University of Minnesota where he discovered the art of Aikido. Intrigued by the elegant power and serene energy being demonstrated, he began studying Aikido at the Twin Cities Aikido Center in 1999.

He has sincerely pursued the art of Aikido for the last 24

years at various dojos since moving back to Wisconsin, including the Milwaukee Aikido Club, Inaka Dojo, Kettle Moraine Aikido Club, as well as Aikido of West Bend. He truly enjoys studying the marriage of martial application and life enriching artistic expression. Gralton Sensei served as Dojo-Cho of the Milwaukee Shobukan from November, 2017 through November of 2021.

Gralton Sensei was awarded the rank of Sandan in 2020 by Wendy Whited Sensei.  He is currently investigating the interconnectedness of Aikido principles and Leadership development application techniques. He lives happily with his wife and lovely children in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.”

Emily DeBow Sensei


Duane Newton
